Category: Java Android

  • A Java Android In-App Purchasing Tutorial

    In the previous chapter, we explored how to integrate in-app purchasing into an Android project and also looked at some code samples that can be used when working on your own projects. This chapter will put this theory into practice by creating an example project that demonstrates how to add a consumable in-app product to…

  • An Overview of Android In-App Billing in Java

    In the early days of mobile applications for operating systems such as Android and iOS, the most common method for earning revenue was to charge an upfront fee to download and install the application. Another revenue opportunity was soon introduced in the form of embedding advertising within applications. Perhaps the most common and lucrative option…

  • Working with the Google Maps Android API in Android Studio

    When Google decided to introduce a map service many years ago, it is hard to say whether or not they ever anticipated having a version available for integration into mobile applications. When the first web-based version of what would eventually be called Google Maps was introduced in 2005, the iPhone had yet to ignite the…