Category: CSharp

  • C# 11 Operators and Expressions

    This chapter covers using operators to create expressions when programming in C#, including arithmetic and assignment operators. Other topics covered include operator precedence, logical operators, and the ternary operator. In the previous chapters, we used variables and constants in C# and described the different variable and constant types. However, being able to create constants and…

  • C# 11 Type Casting

    C# code works with many types, both those provided by the language and many you will create yourself. This chapter explains how types may be related to each other while exploring the concepts of implicit and explicit type casting and obtaining the type of an object. As previously outlined, C# is what is known as…

  • C# 11 Character and String Data Types

    Most software needs a way to store human-readable data in the form of characters and words. This chapter explores the use of string and character data types. The topic of building strings from multiple variables using a concept known as string interpolation is also covered. Character data type When talking about characters, we are referring…

  • C# 11 Numerical Data Types

    Now that we have described C# variables and constants, it is time to start looking at the different types that are available to us as C# programmers. This chapter will begin by looking at numerical data types. C# Integer Types Perhaps the most widely used of the data types is the integer. C# provides several…

  • C# 11 Variables and Constants

    It is impossible to gain proficiency in any programming language without learning some basics. Perhaps the most basic aspect of programming involves using variables and constants. Even the most advanced and impressive programs, from high-end video games to enterprise commerce applications, use variables in one form or another. This chapter will cover everything a C#…

  • The C# 11 Infrastructure

    This chapter will introduce the infrastructure on which the C# language is built. By the end of this chapter, it also is intended that the reader will have a clear understanding of what acronyms such as CLI, CLR, VES, JIT, and .NET mean. The Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) C# is an object-oriented programming language. It…

  • A Brief History of Programming Languages and C#

    The problem with programming is that computers think exclusively in numbers (the numbers 0 and 1, to be precise), known as machine code, while humans communicate using words. In the early days, programmers entered machine code directly into computers to program them. This, as you can imagine, was a laborious and error-prone process. The next evolution was…

  • C# 11 Programming Essentials